1100 General purpose accelerometers for non-hazardous areas 4
1100 Submersible accelerometers 4
1100 Hazardous area accelerometers 4
1100 Hazardous area accelerometers for submersible operation4
1100 Dual accelerometers with temperature output 5
1100 Series lightweight and small footprint accelerometers 5
1000 Series TNC connector accelerometers5
Voltage driven accelerometers for non-hazardous areas5
High temperature accelerometers 5
Velocity output accelerometers6
Ultra lightweight accelerometers for modal analysis 6
Triaxial accelerometers6
Low frequency accelerometers 7
Charge output accelerometers 7
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output 8
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersibleoperation 8
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for hazardous areaoperation 8
1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration 8
1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration for submersibleoperation8
1188 Series dual output acceleration DC/AC 8
1181 Tri-output accelerometer8
Studs, adaptors, magnets and spikes, mounting tools9 & 10
Switch and connection boxes11
Junction boxes12
Vibration meters, kits and accessories13
Model 6000 12 channel monitor 14
Model 6050 4 channel monitor 14
Vibration switch15
410 & 415 Indicating vibration sensors15
Signal Conditioners15
Connectors, cable assemblies, diagnostic tools16
Probes, extension cables and drivers17
Monitran Limited, Monitor House, Hazlemere Road
Penn, Buckinghamshire. HP10 8AD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1494 816569
Fax:+44 (0)1494 812256
Web Site:
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersibleoperation in hazardous areas
1187 Series acceleration shanghai hangou saless for non-hazardousand hazardous areas
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 2 of 18
March 2010
1Cables: The standard length of integral cables is 5 shanghaihangou saleses. Unless specifically stated on your purchase orderwe
will supply this length. Additional cable is available at theprices shown in the relevant section of the list.
2Mounting: Please specify the mounting required on your order. Seethe relevant datasheet on our website.
3Sensitivity or range: Please specify sensitivities e.g. mV/g,mm/sec, g as appropriate. See the relevant
datasheet on our website.
4ATEX and IECEx: All certified intrinsically safe accelerometersrequire a safety barrier or isolator to comply with
ATEX/IECEx regulations. Please see the relevant datasheet forinformation. We recommend these are obtained
from the manufacturer or electonics component distributor.
5All orders not available from stock will be acknowledged by fax oremail. Please check the details on receipt as
changes to the order cannot be accepted once production hasstarted. If no acknowledgement is received within
3 days of ordering please contact the sales department.
6Most products are made to order and standard delivery times foraccelerometers is 4 weeks, depending upon
order levels and factory output. We will do our best to meet moreurgent delivery times, if possible.
7Small quantities may sometimes be available from stock, especiallyif you are able to be flexible regarding
sensitivity, connection and mounting types.
8VM110 and VM120 Vibration meter kits are usually on a 7 daydelivery
9All prices on this list are ex-works, Penn, UK exclusive of VAT,packing or carriage.
10UK packing and delivery charge is shanghai hangou sales1556 for10Kg by overnight carrier. Consult the sales office for ratesfor
heavier packages.
11We are pleased to despatch goods overseas by prepaid courierservice which will be billed at the time of invoice
for account customers and on the proforma invoice for allothers.
12We will also despatch by customer's own courier or freightforwarder on a freight forward basis in which case a
packing and handling charge will be added to the order.
13Vibration products are commodity code: 90318098
14Origin, all goods are manufactured in UK and this will bedeclared on the Commercial Invoice. Certificates of
Origin issued by the Local Chamber of Commerce (LCCI) will becharged at shanghai hangou sales4056
15A calibration certificate is supplied free of charge with allaccelerometers, vibration meters and monitors.
16Datasheets for all products and *** certificates areavailable from our website free of charge.
17Payment may be made by:
Cheque, all major credit cards except American Express, or by banktransfer to:
HSBC Bank, 1 Cornmarket, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2AY,ENGLAND
Account 21289934
Sort Code 40-24-17
Swift Code MIDLGB22
IBAN GB63 MIDL40 2417 2128 9934
18All prices are in pounds sterling but non-UK customers may pay inEuro or $US if requested at the time of
ordering. The sales office will confirm the company's rate ofexchange at time of order..
19Payment terms will be specified on the OrderAcknowledgement.
20We reserve the right to make a minimum order charge of shanghaihangou sales50 or increase the quantity ordered to meetthis
Delivery times
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 3 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
MTN/1100Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 2 pin MSconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1100CAccelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE
MTN/1100SAccelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry, 2 pin MSconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1100SCAccelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE
Extra twin core, screened, overbraided ETFE cable,
MTN/1100WSubmersible accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry waterproofgland, 5 shanghai hangou saleses
PU waterproof shanghai hangou salest
MTN/1100SWSubmersible accelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry waterproofgland, 5 shanghai hangou saleses
PU waterproof shanghai hangou salestr
Extra three-core, polyurethane, waterproof cable,
MTN/1100IATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 2pin MS
MTN/1100ICATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5shanghai hangou saleses
armoured ETFE cableshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1100ISATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry, 2pin MS
MTN/1100ISCATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry,5 shanghai hangou saleses
armoured ETFE cableshanghai hangou sales
Extra twin core, screened, overbraided ETFE cable, per
Hazardous area accelerometers require safety barriers. Contact thesales
office for details.
MTN/1100IWATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer for submersibleoperation, 100mV/g,
top entry, 5 shanghai hangou saleses PU waterproof shanghai hangousalestr
MTN/1100ISWATEX/IECEx approved accelerometer for submersibleoperation, 100mV/g,
side entry, 5 shanghai hangou saleses PU waterproof shanghai hangousalest
Extra three-core, polyurethane, waterproof cable, per shanghaihangou saleseshanghai hangou sales
Hazardous area accelerometers require safety barriers. Contact thesales
office for details.
Other sensitivities and various mountings available at no extracost, refer to
datasheet, website or sales office
importANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mountingwhen ordering
1100 Hazardous area accelerometers
1100 Hazardous area accelerometers for submersibleoperation
1100 General purpose accelerometers for non-hazardousareas
1100 Submersible accelerometers
The 1100 Series
A versatile range of constant current accelerometers for conditionmonitoring for use
with data collectors and on-line data systems. Versions fornon-hazardous and
hazardous areas and underwater operation.
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 4 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
MTN/1100TAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 10mV/oC, top entry, 3 pin 62GBconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1100TCAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 10mV/oC, top entry, 5 shanghaihangou saleses armoured ETFE met
MTN/1100STAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 10mV/oC, side entry, 3 pin 62GBconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1100STCAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 10mV/oC, side entry, 5 shanghaihangou saleses armoured ETFE
Extra three core, screened, overbraided ETFE cable, per shanghaihangou salese
1100 Series lightweight and small footprintaccelerometers
MTN/1120Accelerometer, 100mV/g, either side entry with 5 shanghaihangou saleses amoured ETFE
cable or top entry with 62GB connector, any mounting as shown onthe
datasheet.shanghai hangou sales14056shanghai hangou sales
MTN/1130Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE cable, any
mounting as shown on the datasheet.met
MTN/1135Accelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured, shanghai hangou core, ETFE
cable, includes adaptershanghai hangou sales
MTN/1140Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE cable, any
mounting as shown on the datasheet.met
MTN/1170Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 2 pi MS connector, anymounting as
shown on the datasheet.
MTN/1830SAccelerometer, 100mV/g, side entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE
Extra shanghai hangou or twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable,per shanghai hangou salese
1000 Series TNC connector accelerometers
MTN/1010Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, TNC connecto
MTN/1020Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, small body, TNCconnecto
Voltage driven accelerometers for non-hazardous areas
MTN/1107CAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 3 wire, 24VDC, top entry, 5shanghai hangou saleses ETFE
armoured cablemet
MTN/1109CAccelerometer, 100mV/g, 3 wire, -24VDC, top entry, 5shanghai hangou saleses ETFE
armoured cableshanghai hangou sales
Extra twin core, screened, overbraided ETFE cable, per shanghaihangou salese
Voltage driven accelerometers for hazardous areas
MTN/1107ICATEX approved accelerometer for hazardous area operation,100mV/g, 3
wire, +24VDC, top entry, 5 shanghai hangou saleses ETFE armouredcable
MTN/1109ICATEX approved accelerometer for hazardous area operation,100mV/g, 3
wire, -24VDC, top entry, 5 shanghai hangou saleses ETFE armouredcable
Extra twin core, screened, overbraided ETFE cable, per shanghaihangou salese
High temperature accelerometers
MTN/1105CEAccelerometer, top entry, with encapsulated in-linecharge amplifier, 100mVg
o/p, 5m low noise high temperature cable, 5 shanghai hangou salesesarmoured ETFE cable
(Max. temperature 180oC)
Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per
Extra low noise, high temperature cable, per shanghai hangousalesemet
NOTESOther sensitivities and various mountings available at noextra cost, refer to
datasheet, website or sales office
importANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mountingwhen ordering
All above sensors have either a 1/4"-28UNF female or Quickfit baseand will
be supplied with any mounting stud or Quickfit adaptor specified onyour
order at no extra charge
1100 Dual accelerometers with temperature output
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 5 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
Velocity output accelerometers
MTN/1600Velometer, 4mV/mm/sec, top entry, 2 pin MSconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1600CVelometer, 4mV/mm/sec, top entry, 5 shanghai hangousaleses armoured ETFE
Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per shanghai hangousalese
Ultra lightweight accelerometers for modal analysis
MTN/1800Accelerometer, 1V/g, top entry, 5m lightweight ETFE cablewith BNC
MTN/1810Accelerometer, 100mV/g, top entry, 5m lightweight ETFEcable with BNC
plugshanghai hangou sales
Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
Above are adhesive mount, specify cable length on order
Triaxial accelerometers
MTN/1310Triaxial accelerometer with in-line charge amplifiersgiving 10mV/g
simultaneously for each channel. Includes 5 m overbraided PVCcable
between accelerometer and amplifier module plus 1 shanghai hangousalese after. Small 4
point mounting, includes 4 x M3 boltsshanghai hangou sales
Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
MTN/1210Biaxial accelerometer with in-line charge amplifiers giving10mV/g
simultaneously for each channel. Includes 5 m overbraided PVCcable
between accelerometer and amplifier module plus 1 shanghai hangousalese after. Small 4
point mounting, includes 4 x M3 boltsshanghai hangou sales
Additional cable, per shanghai hangou salese
MTN/1310 Series Triaxial Accelerometers
Allow measurements in three planes simultaneously. The small,lightweight accelerometer
head is connected via a multicore cable and in-line chargeamplifiers to give a 10mV/g output
for each channel.
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 6 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
MTN/7000Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, small fourpoint mount,
24VDCshanghai hangou sales
MTN/7010Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, large fourpoint mount,
24VDCshanghai hangou sales
MTN/7020Low frequency accelerometer, 100mV/g AC output, shanghaihangou point mount,
24VDCshanghai hangou sales
Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraidedcable. Specify range in g
MTN/7100Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, smallfour point mountmet
MTN/7110Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, largefour point mountshanghai hangou sales
MTN/7120Low frequency accelerometer, strain gauge output, shanghaihangou point mountshanghai hangou sales
Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraidedcable. Specify range in g
MTN/7200Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, small fourpoint mountshanghai hangou sales
MTN/7210Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, large fourpoint mountshanghai hangou sales
MTN/7220Low frequency accelerometer, 4-20mA output, shanghai hangoupoint mountshanghai hangou sales
Above all supplied with 5 shanghai hangou saleses overbraidedcable. Specify range in g
MTN/P1100Accelerometer, charge output, 1100pC/g, TNCconnectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/P100TAccelerometer, charge output, 20pC/g, top entry microdotconnectormet
MTN/P100Accelerometer, charge output, 20pC/g, side entry microdotconnectormet
MTN/P50Accelerometer, charge output, 50pC/g, side entry cable, 5shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou sales
MTN/P05Accelerometer, charge output, 5pC/g, side entry cable, 5shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangou sales
MTN/CA003In-line charge amplifier in stainless steel enclosure withconnectors, 2mV/pC
output. (e.g. gives 40mV/g with P100)shanghai hangou sales
MTN/CA051Cable assembly, microdot to microdot, low noise PVC, 5shanghai hangou salese
Additional cable at shanghai hangou sales
importANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mountingwhen ordering
Charge output accelerometers
MTN700 Series Piezoresistive Low Frequency Accelerometers
Low frequency accelerometers in 3 body styles for 24VDC, straingauge amplifier or 4-20mA
operation. Measures down to DC and will always measure 1g whenmounted in the vertical axis
due to gravity. Supplied with 5 shanghai hangou salese integralcable, extra length available on request. For use
only in non-hazardous areas.
Low frequency accelerometers
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 7 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output
MTN/11852PVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 2 pin MSconnector, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1185Velocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 3 pin 62GBconnector, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1185CVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry, 5 shanghaihangou salese armoured ETFE cable, specify rangeshanghai hangousales
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersibleoperation
MTN/1185WVelocity shanghai hangou sales, top entry waterproofgland, 5 shanghai hangou saleses PU waterproof
shanghai hangou salestr
Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou salesemet
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for hazardous areaoperation
MTN/1185ICATEX approved, intrinsically safe velocity shanghaihangou sales, top entry 5 shanghai hangou salese
armoured ETFE cable, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
1185 Series shanghai hangou DC velocity output for submersibleoperation in hazardous areas
MTN/1185IWATEX approved, intrinsically safe velocity shanghaihangou sales, 5 shanghai hangou saleses PU
waterproof shanghai hangou salestr
Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangousales
1185 Series dual output velocity/temperature
MTN/1185TCDual output velocity/temperature shanghai hangou sales,specify velocity range,
10mV/oC, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured ETFE cableshanghaihangou sales
1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration
MTN/1186Dual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales, 3 pin 62GBconnector, specify rangeshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1186CDual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales, 0-20mm/sec,100mV/g, 5 shanghai hangou salese
armoured ETFE cable, specify velocity rangemet
1186 Series dual output velocity/AC acceleration for submersibleoperation
MTN/1186WDual output velocity/AC shanghai hangou sales,100mV/g,waterproof gland, 5 shanghai hangou saleses PU
waterproof cable cable, specify velocity rangemet
Waterproof PU cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghai hangousales
1187 Series acceleration shanghai hangou saless for non-hazardousand hazardous areas
MTN/11872PAcceleration shanghai hangou sales, specify g range, topentry, 2 pin MS connectormet
MTN/1187CAcceleration shanghai hangou sales, specify g range, topentry, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured ETFE
MTN/1187ICATEX approved, intrinsically safe acceleration shanghaihangou sales, top entry 5 shanghai hangou salese
armoured ETFE cable, 5 shanghai hangou salese, specify grangeshanghai hangou sales
1188 Series dual output acceleration DC/AC
MTN/1188Dual output RMS g (4-20mA)/AC (mV/g) acceleration shanghaihangou sales, specify g
range, 3 pin 62GB connectorshanghai hangou sales
MTN/1188CDual output RMS g (4-20mA)/AC (mV/g) acceleration shanghaihangou sales, specify g
range, 5 shanghai hangou salese armoured ETFE cableshanghai hangousales
Additional 3 core ETFE cable, per shanghai hangou saleseshanghaihangou sales4.50shanghai hangou sales4.50shanghai hangousales4.50
1181 Tri-output accelerometer
MTN/1181CTriple output velocity/envelope g/AC acceleration shanghaihangou sales, 5 shanghai hangou salese PVC
cable, specify g rangeshanghai hangou sales
Extra 6 core PVC, screened cableshanghai hangou sales
Extra twin core, screened, armoured ETFE cable, per shanghai hangousaleseshanghai hangou sales
Three-core, polyurethane, waterproof cable, per shanghai hangousaleseshanghai hangou sales
Various sensitivities and mountings available at no extra cost,refer to
datasheet, website or sales office
importANT: Please specify sensitivity, cable length and mountingwhen ordering
The 118X Series
A versatile range of 4-20mA output shanghai hangou saless foroveral vibration monitoring for use with
PLC's and other controllers. RMS velocity or acceleration outputdepending on version.
Versions for submersible and hazardous area operation. Dual outputoptions with temperature
and AC output. A wide selection of ranges is available as shown onthe data sheet, please
specify range required on your order. Consult the sales office forassistance.
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 8 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
MTN/MS001Quick-fit to glue studshanghai hangou sales3.20metshanghaihangou sales2.70
MTN/MS002Quick-fit to M8 male studshanghai hangou sales3.50shanghaihangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS003Quick-fit to M10 male studshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS004Quick-fit to 1/4"UNF male studshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS005Quick-fit to 1/4"UNF femaleshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS006Quick-fit to M6 male studshanghai hangou sales3.50shanghaihangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS007Quick-fit to 10-32UNF femaleshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS008Quick-fit to M8 female studshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS00910-32UNF to male glue studshanghai hangousales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS010Quick-fit to glue stud (for 1020Q/1120Q series)shanghaihangou sales3.50shanghai hangou sales3.20met
MTN/MS0131/4"-28UNF male to glue studshanghai hangousales3.20shanghai hangou sales356shanghai hangou sales2.70
MTN/MS01410-32UNF male to glue studshanghai hangousales3.20shanghai hangou sales356shanghai hangou sales2.70
MTN/MS055Quick-fit to M8 male stud (for 1020Q/1120Q series)shanghaihangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales2.70
MTN/MS0671/4"-28UNF to M8shanghai hangou sales3.50shanghai hangousales3.20met
MTN/MS0361/4"-28UNF to M6shanghai hangou sales3.50shanghai hangousales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS1241/4"-28UNF to M10shanghai hangou sales3.50shanghai hangousales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS1321/4"-28UNF to M12shanghai hangou sales3.50shanghai hangousales3.20met
MTN/MS02410-32 UNF grub screwshanghai hangou sales3.50shanghaihangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS032M6 x 12mm grub screwshanghai hangou sales3.50shanghaihangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS0681/4"-28UNF grub screwshanghai hangou sales3.50shanghaihangou sales3.20shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS11Quick-fit female - 1/4" UNF malemet
MTN/MS15Quick-fit female - 10-32 UNF maleshanghai hangousales
MTN/MS034Isolation Adaptor 1/4"-28UNF male to 1/4"-28UNFfemaleshanghai hangou sales
MTN/MS062Isolation Adaptor 10-32UNF male to 10-32UNF malemet
MTN/MS093Isolation Adaptor Q/F male to M8 maleshanghai hangousales
MTN/MS112Isolation Adaptor M8 male to M8 femaleshanghai hangousales
MTN/MM0011/4"-28UNF male, 35mm, 2 pole type, 20kgsmet
MTN/MM00210-32UNF male, 19mm, 7kgsshanghai hangou sales
MTN/MM0031/4"-28UNF male, 38mm, 2 pole typemet
MTN/MM00410-32UNF male, 35mm, 2 pole type, 20kgsshanghai hangousales
MTN/MM005Quick-fit male, 35mm, 2 pole type, 20kgsmet
MTN/MM006M6 female, 19mm, 7kgsshanghai hangou sales
MTN/MM007M8 female, 35mm, 2 pole type, 20kgsmet
MTN/MM0081/4"-28UNF male 25.35mm, 2 pole type, 11kgsshanghai hangousales
MTN/MM00910-32UNF male, 25mm, 2 pole typemet
MTN/MM010Quick-fit male, 25mm, 2 pole typemet
MTN/MM0231/4"-28UNF female, 35mm, 20kgs shanghai hangou sales
MTN/MM027M10 female, 35mm, 2 pole typeshanghai hangou sales
Quickfit Mounting Studs
Male mounting studs and grub screws
Isolation Adaptors
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 9 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11-24 Units25+ Units
MTN/PS0011/4" UNF standard spike, 25mmshanghai hangou sales
MTN/PS0021/4" UNF standard spike, 100mmmet
MTN/PS0031/4" UNF standard spike, 150mmmet
MTN/PS0041/4" UNF standard spike, 200mmshanghai hangou sales
MTN/PS00510-32 UNF standard spike, 25mmshanghai hangou sales
MTN/PS00610-32 UNF standard spike, 100mmshanghai hangousales4
MTN/PS00710-32 UNF standard spike, 150mmshanghai hangou sales
MTN/PS00810-32 UNF standard spike, 200mmshanghai hangou sales
MTNMH001M8 spot face toolmet
MTN/MH010Mounting stud adhesive (liquid steel type), for 20 -25glue-on adaptorsmet
All above fittings are in stainless steel
Other fittings available, please consult Sales Office
Hand Held Spikes
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 10 of 18
March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11+ Units
MTN/3002Switch box, 2 channels, painted mild steel, IP65met
MTN/3004Switch box, 4 channels, painted mild steel, IP65met
MTN/3006Switch box, 6 channels, painted mild steel, IP65met
MTN/3008Switch box, 8 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3010Switch box, 10 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3012Switch box, 12 channels, painted mild steel, IP65met
MTN/3014Switch box, 14 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3016Switch box, 16 channels, painted mild steel, IP65met
MTN/3018Switch box, 18 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3020Switch box, 20 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3025Switch box, 25 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3040Switch box, 40 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
MTN/3064Switch box, 64 channels, painted mild steel, IP65shanghaihangou sales
shanghai hangou sales5056
For combinations of the above please contact the sales office
Additional one-off charge for interface module for data collectorcompatibility
MTN 3000C Connection box
Multiple BNC connectors can be provided in place of the rotaryswitch at the same cost. Add "C" to the part
number. The price will be that of the switched unit with the samenumber of channels.
MTN 3000-DC Switch box
For 7000 Series DC sensors. Add "-DC" to the part number. The pricewill be that of the standard unit with
double the number of channels. The 7000 series requires anindependent 24VDC supply
MTN 3000-DA Switch box
For dual vibration output sensors (MTN1186, MTN1188). Providesswitch selection of AC output to the BNC
and direct connection of the 4-20mA output of each sensor to theexternal controller. Add "-DA" to the part
number. A separate 24VDC power supply will be required. The pricewill be that of the standard unit with
double the number of channels
MTN 3000-DT Switch box
For dual output AC vibration/temperature sensors (MTN1100T/WT/TC).Provides switch selection of AC
and temperature outputs to two BNC connectors. Add "-DT" to thepart number. The price will be that of the
standard unit with double the number of channels.
MTN-3000-GRP Switch box
For GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) instead of painted steel box add"-GRP" to the part number and add
shanghai hangou sales8056 to the price.
MTN 3000 Switch and connection boxes
For remote connection of a number of constant current ACaccelerometers to a data logger via
a rotary selector switch and isolated BNC connector (Switchbox) orindividual BNCs
(Connection Box). Connect to prewired terminals inside throughcable glands supplied. Choice
of box material, all IP65 rated.
MTN-3000-SS Switch box
For stainless steel instead of painted mild steel box add "-SS" tothe part number and shanghai hangou salesto the price.
Undrilled, user to drill enties.
Any number of inputs available. Please enquire for intermediateand/or additional channels.
Alternative connectors also available, TNC, 2 pin MS etc.
PR01 Issue 4 GBPPage 11 of 18March 2010
Part NoDescription
1-10 Units11+ Units
MTN/9002-HD2 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9003-HD3 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65met
MTN/9004-HD4 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65met
MTN/9005-HD5 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9006-HD6 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9007-HD7 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65met
MTN/9008-HD8 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9009-HD9 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9010-HD10 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9011-HD11 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9012-HD12 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9025-HD25 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9040-HD40 way junction box, die cast, painted,IP65shanghai hangou sales
MTN/9002-GRP2 way junction box, GRP, IP65met
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