Few Mode Fiber LP11 Mode Stripper
Product Overview
The in-fiber mode stripper is fabricated on dual mode optical fiber. The mode stripper attenuates the LP11 mode whilst allowing the LP01 to pass with low loss. The component is used to define a high quality LP01 following possible mode mixing by splices etc. The quality of the LP11 mode generated by the Phoenix mode converters is dependent on a pure LP01 input mode. The mode stripper ensures optimum isolation for the output mode.
High loss LP11, low loss LP01
Compact design
Custom fiber design
High mode isolation
Low loss
LP01 to LP11 mode conversion and LP11 to LP01 conversion
Mode division multiplexing/demultiplexing
Dual mode fiber component test
Dual mode fiber sensors
Technical Details
1. Losses do not include connectors.
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