KV-168D/D-32 气动子弹模定型机 KV-168D/D-32 Bullet Head Bra Cup Molding Machine 用途:该机适用于各种布料,子弹头模具的热压定型。 特点: (1) 子弹头可根据客户的产品的不同需求随意调换。 (2) 整机发热均匀,加温速度快,生产效率高。 (3) 操作方便,省电,省时,成型一致。 (4) 按钮双手操作,确保生产安全。 (5) 采用弹簧压布压框,有效控制布料的回缩,成型效果好。 技术参数: 电源/功率:220V/3.4KW 电热片规格:Φ12×250mm×500W-220V 模台尺寸:450mm×250mm (可选装) 机台尺寸:850mm×685mm×1900mm 适用物料:面布料的热压定型 适用模具:子弹头模具 重量:300KG Function:This kind of machine is suitable for thermoforming fabric cups by bullet head moulds. Features: (1) The bullet head can be replaced freely according to the different needs of the customers’ products. (2) The machine heats evenly and quickly, it has high production efficiency. (3) It is easy to operate, saving electricity,time and forming consistently. (4) The button is operated by hands so as to ensure the security. (5) It adopts spring to press the frame of the bra, which can effectively control the withdrawing of the fabric and has a good forming effect. Technical parameter: (1) Power supply/power: 220V/3.4KW (2) Specification of the heating piece: Φ12×250mm×500W-220V (3) Dimension of the mould table: 450mm×250mm (selection) (4) Dimension of the machine: 850mm×685mm×1900mm (5) Applicable materials: the hot-press molding of the fabric (6) Applicable moulds: the bullet head moulds (7) Weight: 300KG
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