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深圳l湾边贸易优势代理放大器KROHN-HITE model 7500价格优惠!

深圳l湾边贸易优势代理放大器KROHN-HITE model 7500价格优惠!
实名认证 企业认证
进口代理,模体,代理进口,Fireye,opto22,dayton,grainger,humphrey,仪器进口,staco,opto 22,partlow,德国碟片,christian-bauer,bauer碟形弹簧,ISO-TECH
2024-07-04 13:59

深圳市湾边贸易有限公司优势代理美国KROHN-HITEmodel 7500,KROHN-HITE 3362, KROHN-HITE model 6620, KROHN-HITE 7602m等功率放大器。产品原装**、价格优惠!



品名:7500放大器,KH7500, KROHNHITE 7500放大器 


型号 Krohn-hite Description
Krohn-hite 3361 Single Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 3362 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 3364 Four Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 3381 Single Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 3382 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 3384 Four Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave, Diff./Single-Ended Input;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite 30A-1 Single Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic
 Krohn-hite 31A-1 Single Channel; High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic
 Krohn-hite 34A Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hzto 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, Gain
 Krohn-hite 35 Single Channel; Low-Pass; Amplifier Mode; 170Hz to 25.6MHz;24dB/octave; Butterworth
 Krohn-hite 38 Single Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 0.03Hz to 1MHz;48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel, Gain
 Krohn-hite 3905C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to five plug-in cards
 Krohn-hite 3916C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to sixteen plug-in cards
  Krohn-Hite Corporation
 Krohn-hite 型号 Description
 Krohn-hite 3900 Dual Channel; Low-Pass; 1 Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic
 Krohn-hite 3901 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 1 Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended; Gain; Elliptic
 Krohn-hite 3940 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; 3Hzto 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, Gain
 Krohn-hite 3944 Four Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel,Gain
 Krohn-hite 3945 Three Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass, Band-Reject; twochannels;
 Krohn-hite 3955 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, 170Hz to 25.6MHz, 24dB/octave;Butterworth; Amplifier Mode
 Krohn-hite 3988 Dual Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 0.03Hz to 1MHz; 48dB/octave;Butterworth, Bessel; Gain
 Krohn-hite FMB3002AC-S AC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/AmplifierChassis
 Krohn-hite FMB3002DC-S DC Powered Dual Channel Single-Ended Filter/AmplifierChassis
 Krohn-hite FMB3002AC-D AC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/AmplifierChassis
 Krohn-hite FMB3002DC-D DC Powered Dual Channel Differential Filter/AmplifierChassis
  Option G1: 5 Position Input Gain Switch with Gains of 0dB,10dB, 20dB, 30dB and 40dB Option G2: 10 Position Output Gain Switchwith Gains of 0dB to 16dB in 2dB Steps and 20dB HEBAT: High EnergyLithium Battery Set CAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable
 Krohn-hite FLX-3007 7-Slot Instrumentation Chassis
 Krohn-hite FLX-ICP4 Four Channel Plug-In ICP® Filter/Amplifier Carrier Card
 Krohn-hite FLX-302 Dual Channel Differential BNC Filter/Amplifier CarrierCard
 Krohn-hite FLX-303 Three Channel Single-Ended BNC Filter/Amplifier CarrierCard
 Krohn-hite FLX-306 Six Channel High-Density Plug-In Filter/Amplifier CarrierCard
 Krohn-hite 3FSX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002and FLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FSX (x=number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002and FLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FS16 16-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 andFLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FDX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002and FLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FDX (x=Number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002and FLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FD16 16-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 andFLX Carrier Cards
 Krohn-hite 3FAS Single-Ended Low Noise Amplifier
 Krohn-hite 3FAD Differential Low Noise Amplifier
 Krohn-hite Option EG1: External Input Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G1Option)
 Krohn-hite Option EG2: External Output Gain (needed for FLX-3007 and FMB3002 with G2Option)
  Krohn-Hite Corporation
 Krohn-hite 1200A Function Generator; 0.2Hz to 3MHz; Linear Sweep; DC Offset
 Krohn-hite 4402B RC Oscillator; 1Hz to 110kHz; Ultra-Low Distortion of 0.0002%;Auxiliary Outputs
 Krohn-hite 6620A 10Hz to 10MHz; 0.01° Resolution; 0.05° Accuracy; GPIBProgrammable
  5Hz to 1MHz; 0.1V to 130Vrms Input; Voltmeter; TotallyAutomatic
 Krohn-hite 7000 DC to 1MHz, Low Noise Differential Preamplifier
 Krohn-hite 7500 75 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 140Vrms Output; 625mA, Gain of 100
 Krohn-hite 7600M 17 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 141Vrms Output, Gain of 100, MeteredOutput
 Krohn-hite 7602M 34 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 282Vrms Output, Gain of 100, MeteredOutput
 Krohn-hite MT56R Impedance Matching Transformer
  Krohn-Hite Corporation
 Krohn-hite 511 DC Voltage, ±100nVdc to 11.1110Vdc, 2ppm Stability, 10ppmAccuracy
 Krohn-hite 523 4ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB Programmable
 Krohn-hite 526 20ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB/LANProgrammable
 Krohn-hite PCS-2/B DC & AC Current Calibrator; GPIB Programmable
 Krohn-hite 3210C 100mAac to 100Aac Transconductance Amplifier
 Krohn-hite PCR100 100 Ohm Precision Resistor
  Krohn-Hite Corporation
 Krohn-hite RK-02 Rack Mount Kit for 型号 MV106, CR103
 Krohn-hite RK-37 Rack Mount Kit for 型号s 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944, 3945, 3955,3988, 7600M, 7602, 7602M
 Krohn-hite RK-317-2 Rack Mount Kit to mount two units side-by-side. 型号s include:3900, 3901, 3940, 3944,
 Krohn-hite RK-39 Rack Mount Kit for 型号 1200A and 4402B
 Krohn-hite RK-314 Rack Mount Kit for 型号s 3361, 3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384, 511,523, 526
 Krohn-hite RK-316 Rack Mount Kits for 型号s 6620, 6900B
 Krohn-hite RK-317 Rack Mount Kit for 型号 3905B
 Krohn-hite RK-319 Rack Mount Kit for 型号s 6900A
 Krohn-hite RK-517 Rack Mount Kit for FLX-3007
 Krohn-hite RK-518 Rack Mount Kit for mounting two FLX-3007 Side-by-Side
 Krohn-hite RK-519 Rack Mount Kit for 型号s 7500
 Krohn-hite RK-817 Rack Mount Kit for 型号 3916B includes Rack Slides
 Krohn-hite CAB-005 Cable, Two Conductor Shielded Balanced Line
 Krohn-hite CAB-10 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters
 Krohn-hite CAB-11 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1 -Meter
 Krohn-hite CAB-018 Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug
 Krohn-hite CAB-023 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Retractable Banana Plug
 Krohn-hite CAB-024 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug
 Krohn-hite CAB-025 Cable, 3ft., BNC
 Krohn-hite CON-13/15 Output Connector, Mate, 6-Pin
 Krohn-hite CASE2027B Protective carrying case for 型号s 511, 523, 526, 3361, 3362,3364, 3381, 3382, 3384
 Krohn-hite PS488 Parallel to IEE-488 Bus Adapter (型号 522 only)
 Krohn-hite RS-15 Rack Slides; 15 Inch
 Krohn-hite RS-20 Rack Slides; 20 Inch
 Krohn-hite BR-30 Band-Reject Kit for 型号s 3362, 3364, 3382, 3384, 3945, 3901,3988, 3905B and 3916B
 Krohn-hite 2004 Replacement Battery for Battery Kits BK-330.


KROHN-HITE 3361 Single Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN-HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN-HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN-HITE 3362 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN-HITE Option BK-330: Battery Kit 
KROHN-HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN-HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN-HITE 3364 Four Channel; HP, LP; 24dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN-HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN-HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN-HITE 3381 Single Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN-HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN-HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN-HITE 3382 Dual Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN-HITE Option BK-330: Battery Kit 
KROHN-HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN-HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN-HITE 3384 Four Channel; HP, LP; 48dB/octave,Diff./Single-Ended Input; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN-HITE Option 002: Extend low-end cutoff to 0.005Hz 
KROHN HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 30A-1 Single Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz,115dB/octave; Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic 
KROHN HITE 31A-1 Single Channel; High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz,115dB/octave; Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic 
KROHN HITE 34A Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass,Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, Gain 
KROHN HITE Option 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to200kHz 
KROHN HITE 35 Single Channel; Low-Pass; Amplifier Mode; 170Hz to25.6MHz; 24dB/octave; Butterworth 
KROHN HITE Option 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworthresponse 
KROHN HITE 38 Single Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 0.03Hz to 1MHz;48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel, Gain 
KROHN HITE Option 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to0.003Hz 
KROHN HITE 3905C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to five plug-incards 
KROHN HITE Option ME39A: Card extender 
KROHN HITE RK-317: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per carddepending on the model installed) 
KROHN HITE 3916C Mainframe; GPIB Programmable, up to sixteenplug-in cards 
KROHN HITE Option ME39A: Card extender 
KROHN HITE RK-817: Rack Mount Kit with Rack Slides 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (recommend 2-3 per carddepending on the model installed) 
KROHN HITE 3900 Dual Channel; Low-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz, 115dB/octave;Diff/Single-Ended Input; Gain; Elliptic 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3901 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass; 1Hz to 99kHz,115dB/octave; Diff/Single-Ended; Gain; Elliptic 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3940 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass,Band-Reject; 3Hz to 2MHz, Butterworth, Bessel, Gain 
KROHN HITE Option 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to200kHz 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3944 Four Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 3Hz to 2MHz,Butterworth, Bessel, Gain 
KROHN HITE Option 020: Lower frequency cutoff range to 0.3Hz to200kHz 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (8 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3945 Three Channel; Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band-Pass,Band-Reject; two channels; 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3955 Dual Channel; Low-Pass, 170Hz to 25.6MHz,24dB/octave; Butterworth; Amplifier Mode 
KROHN HITE Option 005: Bessel response replaces Butterworthresponse 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (4 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 3988 Dual Channel; LP, HP, BP, BR; 0.03Hz to 1MHz;48dB/octave; Butterworth, Bessel; Gain 
KROHN HITE Option 002: Extends low-end cutoff frequency range to0.003Hz 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (6 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE FMB3002AC-S AC Powered Dual Channel Single-EndedFilter/Amplifier Chassis 
KROHN HITE FMB3002DC-S DC Powered Dual Channel Single-EndedFilter/Amplifier Chassis 
KROHN HITE FMB3002AC-D AC Powered Dual Channel DifferentialFilter/Amplifier Chassis 
KROHN HITE FMB3002DC-D DC Powered Dual Channel DifferentialFilter/Amplifier Chassis 
KROHN HITE Option G1: 5 Position Input Gain Switch with Gains of0dB, 10dB, 20dB, 30dB and 40dB 
KROHN HITE Option G2: 10 Position Output Gain Switch with Gains of0dB to 16dB in 2dB Steps and 20dB 
KROHN HITE HEBAT: High Energy Lithium Battery Set 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable 
KROHN HITE CON-045: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 3-Position DiffInput and Rear Panel DC Power Connections 
KROHN HITE Fuse: Part No. 021033 0.125A, slow-blow. 
KROHN HITE FLX-3007 7-Slot Instrumentation Chassis 
KROHN HITE RK-517: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE RK-518: Rack Mount Kit for Mounting 2 FLX-3007Side-By-Side 
KROHN HITE FLX-ICP4 Four Channel Plug-In ICP® Filter/AmplifierCard 
KROHN HITE CON-055: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 8-Position,FLX-ICP4 Card 
KROHN HITE CON-056: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 12-Position,FLXICP4 Card 
KROHN HITE FLX-302 Dual Channel Differential BNC Filter/AmplifierCard 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6recommended) 
KROHN HITE FLX-303 Three Channel Single-Ended BNC Filter/AmplifierCard 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Three Foot BNC Cable (6recommended) 
KROHN HITE FLX-306 Six Channel High-Density Plug-InFilter/Amplifier Card 
KROHN HITE CON-057: Screw-Terminal Mating Plug, 10-Position,FLX-306 Card 
KROHN HITE 3FSX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole Single EndedFilter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FSX (x=number poles) 5 to 8-Pole Single EndedFilter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FS16 16-Pole Single Ended Filter/Amplifier Module forFMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FDX (x=number poles) 1 to 4-Pole DifferentialFilter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FDX (x=Number poles) 5 to 8-Pole DifferentialFilter/Amplifier Module for FMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FD16 16-Pole Differential Filter/Amplifier Module forFMB3002 and FLX Cards 
KROHN HITE 3FAS Single-Ended Low Noise Amplifier 
KROHN HITE 3FAD Differential Low Noise Amplifier 
KROHN HITE Option EG1: External Input Gain (needed for FLX-3007 andFMB3002 with G1 Option) 
KROHN HITE Option EG2: External Output Gain (needed for FLX-3007and FMB3002 with G2 Option) 
KROHN HITE Lot Charge: Lot charge per order 
KROHN HITE NRE Charge: Non-recurring engineering charge forfrequencies >200kHz 
KROHN HITE (for frequencies above 200kHz, a non-recurringengineering charge of 
KROHN HITE 1200A Function Generator; 0.2Hz to 3MHz; Linear Sweep;DC Offset 
KROHN HITE RK-39: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE 4402B RC Oscillator; 1Hz to 110kHz; Ultra-Low Distortionof 0.0002%; Auxiliary Outputs 
KROHN HITE RK-39: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE 6620A 10Hz to 10MHz; 0.01º Resolution; 0.05º Accuracy;GPIB Programmable 
KROHN HITE Option 002: Extends Low-End Operation to 1Hz 
KROHN HITE Option 003: Rear Panel BNC Connectors 
KROHN HITE RK-316: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 6900B 5Hz to 1MHz; 0.1V to 130Vrms Input; Voltmeter;Totally Automatic 
KROHN HITE Option 001: BCD Output 
KROHN HITE Option 002: dB Display of Distortion 
KROHN HITE RK-316: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 7000 DC to 1MHz, Low Noise DifferentialPreamplifier 
KROHN HITE Option RMS: RMS-to-DC Output 
KROHN HITE RK-39: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (2 cablesrecommended) 
KROHN HITE 7500 75 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 140Vrms Output; 625mA, Gainof 100 
KROHN HITE Option 011: Remote Control of Gain 
KROHN HITE RK-519: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2cables recommended) 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE 7600M 17 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 141Vrms Output, Gain of 100,Metered Output 
KROHN HITE Option 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors andBinding Posts 
KROHN HITE Option 015: Remote Control of Gain 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2cables recommended) 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE 7602M 34 Watts; DC to 1MHz; 282Vrms Output, Gain of 100,Metered Output 
KROHN HITE Option 003: Rear Panel Input Output Connectors andBinding Posts 
KROHN HITE Option 015: Remote Control of Gain 
KROHN HITE RK-37: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2cable recommended) 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE MT56R Impedance Matching Transformer 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug (2cables recommended) 
KROHN HITE CAB-025: 3ft. BNC Cable (1 cablerecommended) 
KROHN HITE 523 4ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIBProgrammable 
KROHN HITE Option KH523CAL Calibration Software Program 
KROHN HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE PCR100: 100 Ohm Precision Resistor 
KROHN HITE Option Case 2720B: Protective Carrying Case 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF SpadeLug 
KROHN HITE 526 20ppm; Low Noise DC Voltage and Current; GPIB/LANProgrammable 
KROHN HITE Option LAN: Remote Control 
KROHN HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE Option Case 2720B: Protective Carrying Case 
KROHN HITE PCR100: 100 Ohm Precision Resistor 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF SpadeLug 
KROHN HITE 511 DC Voltage, ±100nVdc to 11.1110Vdc, 2ppm Stability,10ppm Accuracy 
KROHN HITE Option 003: Rear Panel Connectors 
KROHN HITE RK-314: Rack Mount Kit 
KROHN HITE Option Case 2720B: Protective Carrying Case 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF SpadeLug 
KROHN HITE PCS-2/B DC & AC Current Calibrator; GPIBProgrammable 
KROHN HITE CAB-10: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11: GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF SpadeLug 
KROHN HITE 3210C 100mAac to 100Aac TransconductanceAmplifier 
KROHN HITE CAB-018: Cable, Multi-stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023: Cable Set: Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024: Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF SpadeLug 
KROHN HITE PCR100 100 Ohm Precision Resistor 
KROHN HITE RK-02 Rack Mount Kit for Model MV106, CR103 
KROHN HITE RK-37 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944,3945, 3955, 3988, 7600M, 7602, 7602M 
KROHN HITE RK-317-2 Rack Mount Kit to mount two units side-by-side.Models include: 3900, 3901, 3940, 3944, 
KROHN HITE RK-39 Rack Mount Kit for Model 1200A and4402B 
KROHN HITE RK-314 Rack Mount Kit for Models 3361, 3362, 3364, 3381,3382, 3384, 511, 523, 526 
KROHN HITE RK-316 Rack Mount Kits for Models 6620,6900B 
KROHN HITE RK-317 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3905B 
KROHN HITE RK-319 Rack Mount Kit for Models 6900A 
KROHN HITE RK-517 Rack Mount Kit for FLX-3007 
KROHN HITE RK-518 Rack Mount Kit for mounting two FLX-3007Side-by-Side 
KROHN HITE RK-519 Rack Mount Kit for Models 7500 
KROHN HITE RK-817 Rack Mount Kit for Model 3916B includes RackSlides 
KROHN HITE CAB-005 Cable, Two Conductor Shielded BalancedLine 
KROHN HITE CAB-10 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 2-Meters 
KROHN HITE CAB-11 GPIB Cable with Connectors, 1-Meter 
KROHN HITE CAB-018 Cable, Multi-Stacking Double BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-023 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Retractable BananaPlug 
KROHN HITE CAB-024 Cable Set, Low Thermal EMF Spade Lug 
KROHN HITE CAB-025 Cable, 3ft., BNC 
KROHN HITE CON-13/15 Output Connector, Mate, 6-Pin 
KROHN HITE CASE2027B Protective carrying case for models 511, 523,526, 3361, 3362, 3364, 3381, 3382, 3384 
KROHN HITE PS488 Parallel to IEE-488 Bus Adapter (Model 522only) 
KROHN HITE RS-15 Rack Slides; 15 Inch 
KROHN HITE RS-20 Rack Slides; 20 Inch 
KROHN HITE BR-30 Band-Reject Kit for Models 3362, 3364, 3382, 3384,3945, 3901, 3988, 3905B and 3916B 
KROHN HITE 002004 Replacement Battery for Battery KitsBK-330. 
KROHN HITE Manuals - Non-Programmable Instruments 
KROHN HITE Manuals - Programmable Instruments 
KROHN HITE Manuals - Out of Print 
KROHN HITE Certificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1(Incoming) 
KROHN HITE Certificate to (MIL-STD-45662A) ANSI/NCSL-Z540-1(Outgoing) 
KROHN HITE Service & Labor. . . . . Minimum Charge


深圳市湾边贸易有限公司优势代理美国KROHN-HITE model 7500,KROHN-HITE 3362,KROHN-HITE model 6620, KROHN-HITE 7602 m等功率放大器。产品原装**、价格优惠!


免责声明:当前页为 深圳l湾边贸易优势代理放大器KROHN-HITE model 7500价格优惠!产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 深圳l湾边贸易优势代理放大器KROHN-HITE model 7500价格优惠!产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 深圳l湾边贸易优势代理放大器KROHN-HITE model 7500价格优惠!产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。



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