KV-888W 高精度电脑挖棉机 用途: 适用于挖制各种棉杯。 特点: 1.该机是在原KV-668B型高精度挖棉机的基础上,根据客户的更高要求、市场的发展而设计的**挖棉机。 2.除了具备原机所有功能外,还增设了手动按钮送退棉、计数停机、电动夹松棉等方便实用的新功能。 3.融合了数控技术,在直观大气的触摸屏电脑显示屏上,可以实时观察各机构的位置和状态。而且能够智能判断常见故障点并即时提醒操作者。 4.采用**的同步带送棉机构,具有送棉精度高、夹料稳、挖棉更快的特点。 5.本机可根据不同客户需求调整挖棉速度,本机创造了挖棉机超极限速度,大大提高了工作效率。 技术参数: 1.电源/功率:220V / 1.2KW 2.产品尺寸: 170mm×190mm 3.挖棉尺寸:6mm—40mm 4.主机尺寸:1750mm×660mm×1100mm 5.工作原理:数控电脑锣、三步进马达驱动、旋转式切刀、两速送刀 6.适用产品范围:胸杯一次定型 7.重量360KG High Precision Computerized Foam Cutting Machine KV-888W Function: It is applicable to cut various foam for bra cups. Features: 1. Based on the original KV-668B High Precision Computerized Foam Cutting Machine, it is designed according to the higher requirements of the customers and the development of lingerie market. 2. Apart from the original functions, it has some new functions, such as manual button for controlling the delivery and withdrawing of foam. And it has counting stop and electric clamp device for loosing foam. 3. Integrated with Numeric Control Technology, it can observe the position and state of each part through the computer display screen. Besides, it can detect and judge common breakdown and timely remind of the operators intelligently. 4. It adopts the latest synchronous belt device for delivering foam. It is of high precision in foam delivery, steady in clamping material and rapid in cutting foam. 5. The cutting speed of this machine can be adjusted as per the different requirements of different customers, which creates the super-limiting speed of the foam cutting machine so as to improve the operating efficiency. Technical parameter: 1. Power Supply/ Power:220V / 1.2KW 2. Size of the product: 170mm×190mm 3. Depth of foam-cutting:6mm—40mm 4. Size of the machine:1750mm×660mm×1100mm 5. Working principle:CNC, three stepping motor driver, rotary cutter 6. Suitable scope:molding of bra cups within one time 7. Weight:360KG 欢迎广大用户来电咨询,联系人:陈佩英(:),谢谢支持!
免责声明:当前页为 供应高精度电脑挖棉机,罩杯海棉挖棉机,文胸挖棉机削棉机产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 供应高精度电脑挖棉机,罩杯海棉挖棉机,文胸挖棉机削棉机产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 供应高精度电脑挖棉机,罩杯海棉挖棉机,文胸挖棉机削棉机产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。