复盛螺杆式空压机**冷却液 ,复盛**冷却液2100050232,复盛空压机**冷却液2100050233
本产品符合ISO L-DAJ等国际标准,同时亦符合中华人民共和国Q/SH 037.092规格标准。
企业: 国内热线:400-6969-728 技术咨询: 51602681
1. 采用两段加氢裂解技术制成的独特基础油。
2. 同PAO合成基础油有着相似的C-H链结构,抗氧化性强。
3. 超强的热稳定性。
4. 高粘度指数。
5. 低挥发性-减少油耗量。
6. 超强的斥水特性,迅速同水分离,抗乳化性好。
7. 在高温高压(375℃,3000PSI)条件下去除有毒物质,**无毒,并具有很好的生物降解性能。8.较一般矿物油长达6倍的使用寿命。
9. **冷却液的闪点高(247℃),提高了螺杆空压机运行的安全性。
10. 高粘度指数,可以在温度不稳定的环境中保持稳定的粘度。
11. 超强的热稳定性,长期运行在高温状况下,而不会影响冷却液的性能,不会形成积炭和结焦的现象。
12. 6000小时的使用寿命,降低设备的清洗、保养时间及运行费用。
13. 良好的润滑性,降低机体的磨损,延长机体的寿命。
14. 包装为白底红字及黑色条形码和黑色产品编号,桶盖和放气孔盖均为一次性开启,**冷却液无色透明。
Fu sheng advanced screw type air compressor coolingfluid
No. : 1711-SCF46-20 , 1711-SCF46-205;1541 - SCF46-20, 1541 - SCF46-205
Total synthesis of this product adopts the doubleester base oil, joined the high-performance composite additivesmodulation by scientific formula and advanced technology.
This product conforms to ISO L - internationalstandards such as DAJ, at the same time also accord with the Q/SH037.092 specifications and standards of the People's RepublicofChina.
Welcome colleagues from all walks of life come toinquire, negotiate! Detailed information tocompanytoclaim.Wewillbefirst-classproducts,lowprices,highqualityserviceinclosecooperationwith you and seek common development!
Corporate website: China hotline: 400-6969-728technical consultation: 51602681
【 imported compressor international Asiadistribution center 】 【 Chinese air compressor spare partsmarketing center】
Has the following features:
1. Made of two section of a hydrogenation crackingtechnology unique base oil.
2. With PAO synthetic base oil with similar C - Hchain structure, and the oxidation resistance is strong.
3. Strong heat stability.
4. High viscosity index.
5. Low volatile - to reduce oil consumption.
6. Strong repelling water features, quickly withwater separation, good demulsibility.
7. In the condition of high temperature and highpressure (375 ℃, 3000 psi) in addition to toxicsubstances,toxic,andhasgoodbiodegradationperformance.8.Ageneralmineraloilservicelifeofupto six times.
9. Advanced cooling fluid of high flash point (247℃), improved the security screw air compressor chance done.
10. High viscosity index, can be in the unstabletemperature environment stable viscosity.
11. A super thermal stability, long-term operationunder high temperature conditions, and will notaffecttheperformanceofthecoolingfluid,nocarbondeposit,andformedthecokingphenomenon.
12. The service life of 6000 hours, reduce theequipment cleaning, maintenance time and operating cost.
13. Good lubricity, reduce the wear and tear of thebody, prolong the life of the body.
14. Packaging for the white with red and black andblack bar code number, barrel cover and vent coverareone-timeopen,advancedcoolingliquidcolorlesstransparent.复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233
免责声明:当前页为 复盛空压机 复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232 上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 复盛空压机 复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232 上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 复盛空压机 复盛空压机**冷却液2100050232 上海复盛螺杆空压机**冷却液2100050233产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。