l Micro-90是一种浓缩碱性清洗剂,无毒、不易燃、无腐蚀性,符合美国FDA认证,NSF认证中可用于食品加工的A1清洁剂,SNAP认证,ROSS认证
l 有效去除多种污渍,如:油脂、蜡、焦油、助焊剂、硬水渍、生物材料、不溶性氧化物及颗粒
l 应用于实验室器皿清洗、工业设备、CIP管路、显微镜镜头、滤膜清洁、金属、玻璃、陶瓷、宝石、人体假肢、医疗器械、电子元器件、金属零部件、Nuclear Industry、太阳能行业
l **1:100倍稀释,针对吸附较强的污渍要加大稀释浓度
l PH约9.5(浓缩液时),比重=1.135(25度)
l 常温通风处保存,避免阳光直射,保质期5年
l 使用工具:CIP在线管路灭菌、手工浸泡清洗、超声波清洗机
l 注:清洗铝、锌、铜及其合金金属表面时,浓度、时间不宜过长
LF2100® Low-Foam Cleaner: A powerful, low-foaming alkaline cleaner containing a special blend of ingredients that makes it ideally suited for use in high-agitation systems.
Micro-90® Concentrated Cleaning Solution: A mild, yet powerful alkaline multi-purpose cleaner usable for both industrial and critical cleaning applications. Its unique formulation lifts, disperses, emulsifies, sequesters, suspends, and dissolves soils.
Micro® A07 Citric Acid Cleaner: A non-corrosive, biodegradable, powerful blend of citric acid and anionic surfactants that is highly effective at removing scale and milkstone.
Micro® Green Clean Biodegradable Cleaner: A free-rinsing, industrial strength, biodegradable hard surface cleaner designed for use in a wide range of applications, such as cleaning metals, plastic parts, and filter membranes used in wastewater treatment plants.
Surface-Cleanse/930® Neutral Cleaner: A gentle, nonionic cleaner designed to deliver powerful cleaning action usually found in much harsher products. Surface-Cleanse/930 has a neutral pH, which eliminates surface damage that may be caused by an acid or alkaline cleaner. Its mixture of nonionic surfactants makes it safe for use on aluminum, zinc, electronic components, and other delicate metals. It is effective at room temperature and in hard and soft water.
Zymit® Low-Foam Enzyme Cleaner: A synergistic dual-enzyme and detergent formula that removes protein and starch-based soils.
Zymit® Pro Enzyme Cleaner: A biodegradable enzyme and surfactant cleaner that breaks down and removes proteinaceous soils. It is an effective filter membrane cleaner, especially when used with Micro-90 or Micro A07 in consecutive cleaning steps.
免责声明:当前页为 M-9051-04 M-9033 M-9034 M-9050-12 1L 20L 4L美国Micro-90 清洗剂产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 M-9051-04 M-9033 M-9034 M-9050-12 1L 20L 4L美国Micro-90 清洗剂产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, M-9051-04 M-9033 M-9034 M-9050-12 1L 20L 4L美国Micro-90 清洗剂产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。