Do you have a warning light illuminated on your dashboard but not want to pay hundreds to find out what is wrong? This iCar Pro code reader will help you save money and accurately diagnose check engine light problem. Very easy to use.
The majority of cars made in the past 2 decades are fitted with an OBD2 diagnostic port, simply find the port and plug the iCar Pro in.
With it's micro size and unique power saving functionality that protects your battery, it really is possible to fit and forget.
The Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth3.0 device works. with most popular OBD apps. Please find download instruction for Android device in product description.(Compatible with ELM327 interface)
Vgate iCar Pro BT3.0
●Work for Android
●Read both nonspecific and manufacturer specific trouble codes. Fast ARM processor allowing up to 30 PID's per second.
●Ead and delete fault codes, Turn off MIL (check engine light). View freeze frame data & I/M readiness monitors.
●Ead real-time ECU sensor data (Engine RPM. Fuel System status, Fuel Pressure. Oxygen sensor voltages and many readable parameters on your vehicle).
The Vgate iCar Pro provides almost any Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enabled device the hardware needed to read and delete faults from most cars made within the last 20 years.
Fully compatible with all OBD2 protocols and commands and offering a unique auto-sleep / auto-wake function that reduces power consumption to almost nothing. Protect your car battery life.
Vehicle Compatibility
Works with all OBD2/EOBD compliant vehicles. Compatible with all OBD2 communication protocols.
OBD2 vehicles (1996 onwards in USA, 1998 in Canada) and EOBD vehicles (Petrol from 2001 and diesel from 2003/2004 in Europe).
Our products are applicable to 12V petrol vehicles compatible with standard OBD2 protocols, 12V small diesel vehicles with a load of 6.5T or less supporting the OBD2 protocols.
This device does not apply to heavy duty diesel 24V vehicles (i.e. semi trucks, tractors etc).
Those vehicles use a different program and our adapters will not be compatible.
Connection Steps
1、Plug in the OBD2 Bluetooth adapter
Plug the Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 3.0 OBD2 adapter into your car.
2、Connect with yours.
Phone need to be activated Bluetooth in your smartphone and connect via Bluetooth.
3、Download and test app.
Use the app and ready to go.
Low Energy Consumption
After the engine is stopped for 30 minutes, Vgate iCar Pro Bluetooth 3.0 goes to sleep and won't drain your automobile's battery.
Its sophisticated triggers will wake up Vgate iCar Pro when you connect via Bluetooth, unlock doors, or crank the engine.
More APPs
Torque Pro, Torque Lite (Free), JScan, OBD Fusion, OBD Auto Doctor, etc
Connects to your Android device using a 3rd party application.
Depending on your needs, you can choose various apps cost range.
When using iCar Pro BLE3.0 with an excellent OBD2 app, there are still more fun for discover!
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