天物彩板,功能性彩板定制开创者,专注彩板领域16年。主要从事彩板生产、 销售、 加工,全国配送。年生产能力30万吨,服务过上千家企业,销售网络遍布全国 。天物的产品定位是:根据彩板的使用环境、设计年限、结构成型及客户的需求,个性化定制,满足客户多元化需求。产品涉及PVDF氟碳彩板、HDP高耐候彩板、SMP硅改聚酯彩板、PE普通聚酯彩板、 彩涂铝卷等21个系列和品种。
1。彩涂板的常见颜色:中国市场上交易最多的天物聚氨酯彩板厂家价格 颜色有海蓝、天蓝、白灰、墙灰、铁绿灰、银灰、深红、草绿和迷彩。这些颜色大多用于建筑内外的模板。也有木纹印刷颜色,用于室内外装饰工程。
3。彩涂板的国标色卡和国标色卡gsb05-1426-2001(代替GSB g51001-94)是国家涂料标准化委员会根据国标gb3181制作的物理标准色卡,广泛应用于涂料、涂料、颜料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料、塑料等行业,金属涂料等行业。有83种颜色,每种颜色都有国家统一标准的编号,如pb11孔雀蓝、pb10天(铁)蓝、gy09冰灰、R03红等效果光滑,适合油性。
There are many kinds of color on the color coated board, including ordinary color, Raul color card, national standard color card and building color card, which are the common color types in China. The most practical colors are sea blue, white gray and crimson. In recent years, with the progress of science and technology, people's quality of life is constantly improving, and the requirements for color are more and more diversified and personalized, of which printed board is a good persuasive force.
Types of colors
1. Common colors: the most traded colors in China are sea blue, sky blue, white grey, wall grey, iron green grey, silver grey, crimson, grass green and camouflage. Most of these colors are used for molding boards, inside and outside buildings. There are also printed wood grain colors, which are used in indoor and outdoor decoration projects.
2. Ral color card, which is a brand of German color card, is widely used in the world, also known as ral international color card. K7 has 213 colors, each page has 5 colors, practical and convenient. The four digit ral color card has been the standard of color selection for 70 years. At the beginning, only 40 different colors have developed to 213 so far. The basic standard of matte color light and shade is ral840-hr, and the basic standard of shiny color light and shade is ral841-gl. These two color samples include important research institutes, color samples for long-term and large-scale industrial demand, registered color samples for design, they also include safety color and signal color in accordance with DIN standard. Generally, common color of ral comes from natural color card, such as: ral7035, ral9003, ral9010, ral9010, these classic colors have high utilization rate, and they are fixed Can help update color selection.
3. The national standard color card and the international standard color card gsb05-1426-2001 (replacing GSB g51001-94) are the physical standard color cards made by the national coating and pigment Standardization Committee according to the national standard gb3181, which are widely used in coating, paint, pigment, plastic, metal coating and other industries. There are 83 kinds of colors, and each color has the number of national unified standard, such as pb11 peacock blue, pb10 days (iron) blue, gy09 ice grey, R03 red, etc. Smooth effect, suitable for oil.
免责声明:当前页为 天物聚酯彩钢卷批发销售,彩涂板现货价格优惠产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 天物聚酯彩钢卷批发销售,彩涂板现货价格优惠产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 天物聚酯彩钢卷批发销售,彩涂板现货价格优惠产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。