The ‘normal’, most common type C plug, rated at 2.5 amperes, is only used for low energy-consuming appliances.
Type C is used in all countries of Europe except the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta
and Cyprus. (Click here for the full list of all countries that use type C)
Type C is the most widely used plug internationally. This two-wire plug is ungrounded,
unpolarised and has two round prongs. It is popularly known as the Europlug which is
described in CEE 7/16. The plug has two 4 mm round pins, measuring 19 mm in length on
centres spaced 18.6 mm apart at the base and 17.5 mm apart at the tip. The two pins
have 10 mm long insulated sleeves. They converge slightly, but they are relatively
flexible which allows the plug to mate with any socket that accepts 4.0 – 4.8 mm round
contacts on 17.5 – 19 mm centres. The plug is generally limited for use in class II
applications that require 2.5 amps or less.
C型插头, 国内称欧规2插 常用的广泛的, 电流限制在2.5安培, 只能用在低能耗的电器上。
我司泉州佳格塑胶科技有限公司,在这一产品上取得量产突破, 劳动生产率高于国内平均水平,
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关于商品 本店所有商品的照片均为手机摄像头与工厂内实拍均为
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"TYPE CThe ‘normal’, most common type C plug, rated at 2.5 amperes, is only used for low energy-consuming appliances.Type C is used in all countries of Europe except the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Cyprus. (Click here for the full list of all countries that use type C)Type C is the most widely used plug internationally. This two-wire plug is ungrounded, unpolarised and has two round prongs. It is popularly known as the Europlug which is described in CEE 7/16. The plug has two 4 mm round pins, measuring 19 mm in length on centres spaced 18.6 mm apart at the base and 17.5 mm apart at the tip. The two pins have 10 mm long insulated sleeves. They converge slightly, but they are relatively flexible which allows the plug to mate with any socket that accepts 4.0 – 4.8 mm round contacts on 17.5 – 19 mm centres. The plug is generally limited for use in class II applications that require 2.5 amps or less."寄出。
免责声明:当前页为 欧规2插插头,europlug,CEE 7/16,源头厂家直销,配套8字尾(IEC 60320 C7),电源线配件产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 欧规2插插头,europlug,CEE 7/16,源头厂家直销,配套8字尾(IEC 60320 C7),电源线配件产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 欧规2插插头,europlug,CEE 7/16,源头厂家直销,配套8字尾(IEC 60320 C7),电源线配件产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。